Service charges, administration fees and rent
You'll find information here about standard charges and administration fees. Understand what you're obliged to pay and additional costs you might need to pay. Find out where to get more support should you need it.
Your lease, transfer agreement or tenancy agreement sets out your obligations when it comes to charges; such as rent, service charges and administration fees.
Understanding service charges and ways to pay
Shared owners will find more information to help understand service charges on our pages.
If you’re having trouble paying your rent visit these pages of for more support.
You can also find out about the simple ways to make payments, including direct debit and using your Clarion online account on our ways to pay pages of
Your rights and obligations
We're required to outline your rights and obligations in relation to administration charges where we're likely to need to demand payment of administration fees.
If you're in any doubt about your rights and obligations you should seek independent advice.
About administration charges
It's an amount which may be payable by you as part of, or in addition to, the rent you pay directly or indirectly:
- For, or in connection with, the grant of an approval under your lease, or an application for such approval.
- For, or in connection with, the provision of information or documents.
- In respect of your failure to make any payment due under your lease.
- In connection with a breach of a covenant or condition of your lease.
- If you're liable to pay an administration charge, it's payable only to the extent that the amount is reasonable.
Any provision contained in a grant of a lease under the right to buy under the Housing Act 1985, which claims to allow the landlord to charge a sum for consent or approval, is void.

Home ownership fees for 2024/2025
Administration and other fees are payable by our home owners for specific services or transactions. They're not included as part of any service charges you pay. You may also be liable to cover our legal costs.
Fees are generally payable on application, with some exceptions. On enquiry you’ll be advised what’s payable, when payment is due and if there are any other related fees to be considered.
The table below outlines our fees only, and not any third-party legal fees that may also be required.
Costs are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated.
Reselling with shared ownership
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Urban Moves nomination fee* | 1.5% plus VAT of share value | Homeowner |
Clarion Housing Resale team administration fee | £180 | Homeowner (if using external estate agent**) |
Clarion Housing legal fee | £420 | Homeowner |
Abortive Fee | £600 | Homeowner |
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), via third-party if required |
Approx. £50 |
Homeowner |
*Urban Moves fee only payable if a buyer they nominate completes the purchase of the home.
**An estate agent will also charge their own fee for their marketing services.
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
RICS-accredited surveyor panel rates | £260 | Homeowner - quote 'Latimer' on instruction |
Administration - purchasing less than 100% |
£250 | Homeowner |
Administration - purchasing 100% |
£500 | Homeowner |
Cancellation - purchasing less than 100% | £125 | Homeowner |
Cancellation - purchasing 100% | £250 | Homeowner |
Pre-sale management pack
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Apartment | £300 | Homeowner |
House | £180 | Homeowner |
Additional Enquiries: up to six questions |
£150 | Homeowner |
Nara Building and third party managing agents |
£150 | Homeowner |
Alterations, improvements and purchase of loft space
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Minor (some cases require a deed of variation) |
£90 | Homeowner |
Major (will require deed of collateral warranty) |
£300 | Homeowner |
Retrospective |
Minor/Major fee +50% | Homeowner |
Purchase of loft space | £250 | Homeowner |
Deed of collateral warranty | From £1,200 | Homeowner |
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Leaseholder consent | £90 | Homeowner |
Shared ownership requests | £120 | Homeowner |
Lease extension
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Formal (outright owner leaseholder) | £234 | Homeowner - on completion |
Informal (outright and shared owner leaseholders) |
£234 | Homeowner - on completion |
Shared ownership house: lease extension premium is nil for 50 year extension |
£234 | Homeowner - on completion |
NOTE: Home owners are liable for all legal costs. As well as their own legal costs, this also includes Clarion Housing's legal fee and surveyor fees associated with the lease extension application.
Remortgage pack
Fee type |
Charge | Payable by |
Apartment |
£150 | Homeowner |
House | £90 | Homeowner |
Additional Enquiries: up to six questions |
£150 | Homeowner |
Transfers and remortgage
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Remortgage | £60 | Homeowner |
Transfer of equity | £120 | Homeowner |
Deed of postponement (homebuy remortgage) |
£120 | Homeowner |
Lease enfranchisement (purchase of freehold)
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Formal and informal route | £300 | Homeowner |
Notice fees
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Notice of transfer | £78 | Purchaser |
Notice or charge: resale | £78 | Purchaser - on completion |
Deed of covenant | £78 | Purchaser - upon request |
Certificate of compliance | £60 | Purchaser - on completion |
Other fees
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Deed of variation | £234 | Homeowner |
Release of restrictive covenant |
£600 | Purchaser (due date TBC) |
Homebuy redemption | £250 | Homeowner |
Our administration fee
Fee type | Charge | Payable by |
Administration fee | £180 | Homeowner |